We are a team of passionate people who love what we do and care about hearing health. Our vision is to ensure children and adults have access to good hearing services to achieve their full potential in life. We are experienced audiologists who are registered full members of the New Zealand Audiological Society (MNZAS). Since graduating from the University of Auckland, we have both worked in a large audiology company in several clinics around Auckland. We have worked extensively with adults, children, and in specialised areas of audiological testing. We both have experience as clinic managers and supervisors. As independent audiologists, we aim to provide the best quality of care for every person and every family, ensuring that our clinical decisions and recommendations are best for you.
What we have come to realise is that there is a real lack of services particularly for children outside of public hospitals. There are often long waitlists to be seen and we wanted to provide Auckland parents with an alternative option. The large majority of private hearing clinics provide services for adults, however we are well experienced in PLAY Audiometry for 2.5 - 5 year olds and Visual Reinforcement Audiometry (VRA) for children as young as 6 months old.
Although seeing children really does warm our hearts, we love being able to help any person who has ear- and hearing-related concerns. This is a place you can bring your whole family in! We both have spent a significant part of our clinical careers working with adults and we offer diagnostic hearing assessments for adults which comprises more than the standard test offered at most other clinics. We are experts at hearing aids and have access to the full range of hearing solutions out there - we are not tied to any brand so that we can recommend what is truly best for you. We offer the safest form of ear wax removal via micro-suctioning for all ages and much more.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Chatu Nelumdeniya
I graduated from the University of Auckland with a Masters in Psychology in 2011 and Masters in Audiology in 2013.
Tinnitus is an area that I am particularly passionate about. If you have ever been told you need to "live with it" or "there is no cure", it does not mean you can not manage it and reduce your awareness and how much you are bothered by it.
Another area of interest and growing need in Auckland is testing for Auditory Processing Disorder. I do both assessments for children and adults and provide detailed reports and treatment plans including fitting of Remote Microphone Systems. ​
Leanne Ma
Prior to completing my Masters' degree in Audiology, I completed my Bachelors in Biomedical Sciences specialising in Neuroscience and Physiology. Throughout my career, I have been a Clinical Trainer for New Zealand, providing support for experienced clinicians and graduate audiologists across the country. I also had the opportunity to train clinicians in Beijing, sharing best practices internationally and helping shape audiological care overseas.
One area that I am passionate about is increasing awareness for the importance of hearing health. The topic of my Masters' thesis looked at the association between hearing and the brain, and over the years I have closely followed the increasing scientific evidence suggesting that looking after your hearing is important for overall wellbeing as we get older.
I absolutely love working with children and particularly care about ensuring that the paediatric population have the hearing and support to develop speech, language and learning. I obtained my Paediatric Practicing Certificate in Visual Reinforcement Audiometry to provide diagnostic care for the delightful little ones under 3 years old; it's always a highlight of the day when one visits our clinic!
Karen Blackall
I seek to ensure that the parents, SENCos, and teachers of SoundSkills’ child clients have a better understanding of APD and its impacts on learning. I provide advice and guidance on the use of Remote Microphone Hearing Aid (RMHA) systems, the funding eligibility criteria, and the trial process. I act as the link between SoundSkills’ clinic and the school, ensuring optimal learning opportunities for students.
With over 30 years of experience in the education sector, I have held a range of specialized teaching positions, such as Resource Teacher, Learning and Behaviour (RTLB) and Resource Teacher, Deaf (RTD). I’ve also held leadership positions within schools and worked across the primary, intermediate, secondary, and tertiary education sectors. I’ve collaborated with students, parents, and teachers to devise interventions that meet students’ individual needs, adapting class-based programs, scaffolding learning, and using Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles to promote inclusion.
I’ve presented at conferences and facilitated professional learning for schools in various areas, including sensory, learning, and behavior challenges.I enjoy working collaboratively as part of a multidisciplinary team, both at SoundSkills and within schools, to ensure that students reach their learning potential.